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HomeMeld: Co-present Robotic Avatar System for Illusion of Living Together.

, , , , , , and . MobiSys, page 545. ACM, (2018)

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Corrections to "Three-Dimensional Atrial Wall Thickness Measurement Algorithm From a Segmented Atrial Wall Using a Partial Differential Equation"., , , , , , , and . IEEE Access, (2023)Uncovering embarrassing moments in in-situ exposure of incoming mobile messages., , , , , , and . UbiComp Adjunct, page 1045-1054. ACM, (2014)ExerLink: enabling pervasive social exergames with heterogeneous exercise devices., , , , , , , , , and . MobiSys, page 15-28. ACM, (2012)Telekinetic Thumb Summons Out-of-reach Touch Interface Beneath Your Thumbtip., , and . MobiSys, page 661-662. ACM, (2019)Demo: SenseTogether - cooperative ambience monitoring platform with continuity and benefit awareness., , , , , and . MobiSys, page 453-454. ACM, (2012)Demo: Mobile Platform for Interactive Applications on Everyday Surfaces using a Single Commodity Smartphone., , , , and . MobiSys (Companion Volume), page 126. ACM, (2016)4th ACM international workshop on mobile systems for computational social science., and . UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct, page 681-682. ACM, (2015)FaceLog: capturing user's everyday face using mobile devices., , , and . UbiComp (Adjunct Publication), page 163-166. ACM, (2013)Inter-cell coordinated beamforming with opportunistic scheduling., , and . ICC, page 5699-5703. IEEE, (2013)Numerical Analysis of Cyberattacks on Unmanned Aerial Systems., , , , , and . Infotech@Aerospace, (2012)