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A Vision on Accelerating Enterprise IT System 2.0., , , , и . DEEM@SIGMOD, стр. 8:1-8:9. ACM, (2020)Ä Simple, Efficient ICMP Based Method of Network Characterization"., и . Int. CMG Conference, стр. 645-654. Computer Measurement Group, (2008)Poster: Performance scaling analysis of Messaging Application., , и . Int. CMG Conference, Computer Measurement Group, (2011)Maximum throughput computation of an application in a multi-tier environment., и . SPECTS, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2012)Analysis and application of conditional software rejuvenation - A new approach., , и . ISSRE Workshops, стр. 1-5. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)High-Performance Deployment of Text Detection Model: Compression and Hardware Platform considerations., , и . ISPASS, стр. 159-161. IEEE, (2022)Performance Evaluation of GraphCore IPU-M2000 Accelerator for Text Detection Application., , и . ICPE (Companion), стр. 145-152. ACM, (2022)Predicting the Runtime of Memory Intensive Batch Workloads., , и . ICPP Workshops, стр. 45:1-45:8. ACM, (2018)Predicting performance in the presence of software and hardware resource bottlenecks., , и . SPECTS, стр. 542-549. IEEE, (2014)Performance Engineering of a Trading Exchange's Risk Management System., и . Int. CMG Conference, Computer Measurement Group, (2010)