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Outage Performance of 6G NOMA Dual-Hop Hybrid RF-PLC System with Imperfect SIC., , , , , and . CSNDSP, page 373-378. IEEE, (2022)Efficient Power Allocation for Multi-Cell Uplink NOMA Network., , , , and . VTC Spring, page 1-5. IEEE, (2019)Outage Performance of RIS-Assisted AmBC-NOMA Cooperative V2I Communications., , , , and . IEEE Open J. Commun. Soc., (2024)Performance Analysis of Downlink NOMA Systems Over κ-μ Shadowed Fading Channels., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 69 (1): 1046-1050 (2020)Enhancing Secrecy Performance of Cooperative NOMA-Based IoT Networks via Multiantenna-Aided Artificial Noise., , , , , and . IEEE Internet Things J., 9 (7): 5108-5127 (2022)Physical-Layer Security and Privacy for Vehicle-to-Everything., , and . IEEE Commun. Mag., 57 (10): 84-90 (2019)Backscatter communication-based wireless sensing (BBWS): Performance enhancement and future applications., , , , and . J. Netw. Comput. Appl., (2022)Aiding a Disaster Spot via an UAV-Based Mobile AF Relay: Joint Trajectory and Power Optimization., , , and . MobiWac, page 105-113. ACM, (2020)Ergodic Capacity Analysis of NOMA-Based Two-Way Relaying Systems., , , , , and . ICDCS Workshops, page 175-180. IEEE, (2022)Performance of Cooperative NOMA Systems under Passive Eavesdropping., , , and . GLOBECOM, page 1-6. IEEE, (2018)