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Database engines on multicores, why parallelize when you can distribute?, , , и . EuroSys, стр. 17-30. ACM, (2011)Scalable and robust latches for database systems., , , , и . DaMoN, стр. 2:1-2:8. ACM, (2020)Programming Fully Disaggregated Systems., , , , и . HotOS, стр. 188-195. ACM, (2023)Profiling dataflow systems on multiple abstraction levels., , , , и . EuroSys, стр. 474-489. ACM, (2021)CorBit: Leveraging Correlations for Compressing Bitmap Indexes., , , , , и . VLDB Workshops, том 3462 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2023)Bringing Compiling Databases to RISC Architectures., , , , и . Proc. VLDB Endow., 16 (6): 1222-1234 (2023)Optimizing Sorting for Chiplet-Based CPUs., , и . VLDB Workshops,, (2024)Broom: Sweeping Out Garbage Collection from Big Data Systems., , , , , , , , , и . HotOS, USENIX Association, (2015)TracEx: Understanding and Analyzing Database Traces., , , и . CIDR,, (2024)VLDB Panel Summary: "The Future of Data(base) Education: Is the Cow Book Dead?"., , , , и . SIGMOD Rec., 50 (3): 23-26 (2021)