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Who wants to be a Click-Millionaire? On the Influence of Thumbnails and Captions., и . ICPR, стр. 629-635. IEEE, (2022)Die regionalisierte Strukturpolitik. Duisburger Materialien zur Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft Gerhard-Mercator-Univ, Duisburg, (1997)Klimaschutz ist Friedenspflicht. Telepoolis, (14.02.2022)Demokratie in der Supra-EU. Verfassungsblog, (01.12.2022)Minimal Hand Pose Estimation for Touchable Projector-Depth Systems., , , и . SDS, стр. 67-68. IEEE, (2022)Challenging Human Supremacy: Evaluating Monte Carlo Tree Search and Deep Learning for the Trick Taking Card Game Jass., , , , и . ICAISC (2), том 12416 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 505-517. Springer, (2020)A Game-centric Approach to Teaching Artificial Intelligence., , и . CSEDU (1), стр. 398-404. SciTePress, (2019)