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Design exploration of eBook interfaces for personal digital libraries on tablet devices., , и . CHINZ, стр. 21-30. ACM, (2015)EVA: An event algebra supporting complex event specification., и . Inf. Syst., (2015)Database Systems as Middleware-Events, Notification, Messages., , и . ADBIS-DASFAA, том 1884 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 21-22. Springer, (2000)Multi-level Engagement in Augmented Reality Children's Picture Books., , и . INTERACT (4), том 11749 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 558-562. Springer, (2019)Mobile Annotation of Geo-locations in Digital Books., , и . TPDL, том 9316 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 338-342. Springer, (2015)A Mobile Alerting System for the Support of Patients with Chronic Conditions, и . Proceedings of EURO MGOV 2005, стр. 264--274. (2005)Model-driven tools for medical device selection., , и . EICS, стр. 129-138. ACM, (2014)Supporting the Reader in the Wild: Identifying Design Features for a Literary Tourism Application., и . CHINZ, стр. 10:1-10:9. ACM, (2013)Personal Digital Libraries: Keeping Track of Academic Reading Material., , , , и . ICADL, том 8839 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 39-47. Springer, (2014)Alerting in a Digital Library Environment: Do Channels Meet the Requirements?, , и . ECDL, том 1513 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 643-644. Springer, (1998)