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TAROT: Spatio-Temporal Function Placement for Serverless Smart City Applications., , и . UCC, стр. 21-30. IEEE, (2022)Edge offloading for microservice architectures., , , и . EdgeSys@EuroSys, стр. 1-6. ACM, (2022)Data Science Driven Methods for Sustainable and Failure Tolerant Edge Systems.. ICPE, стр. 1. ACM, (2022)An Energy-Aware Approach to Design Self-Adaptive AI-based Applications on the Edge., , , , , и . ASE, стр. 281-293. IEEE, (2023)LAYSI: A Layered Approach for SLA-Violation Propagation in Self-Manageable Cloud Infrastructures., , , , , , и . COMPSAC Workshops, стр. 365-370. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Performance-Based Vertical Memory Elasticity., , , и . ICAC, стр. 151-152. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Cost-Aware VM Placement Across Distributed DCs Using Bayesian Networks., , и . GECON, том 9512 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 32-48. Springer, (2015)Towards Quality of Service Support for Grid Workflows., , , и . EGC, том 3470 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 661-670. Springer, (2005)Specification, planning, and execution of QoS-aware Grid workflows within the Amadeus environment., , и . Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 20 (4): 331-345 (2008)VGE - A Service-Oriented Grid Environment for On-Demand Supercomputing., , , и . GRID, стр. 11-18. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)