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Scheduling for Cloud-Based Computing Systems to Support Soft Real-Time Applications., и . ACM Trans. Model. Perform. Evaluation Comput. Syst., 2 (3): 13:1-13:30 (2017)Meta-Scheduling for the Wireless Downlink through Learning with Bandit Feedback., , и . WiOpt, стр. 361-367. IEEE, (2020)Bandit Learning-based Online User Clustering and Selection for Cellular Networks., , , , , , и . WiOpt, стр. 33-40. IEEE, (2022)Optimizing Network Slicing via Virtual Resource Pool Partitioning., , , и . WiOpt, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2019)Optimizing Networked Situational Awareness., , , и . WiOpt, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2019)Is rate adaptation beneficial for inter-session network coding?, и . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 27 (5): 635-646 (2009)Iterative Water-filling for Load-balancing in Wireless LAN or Microcellular Networks., , и . VTC Spring, стр. 117-121. IEEE, (2006)Assessing Probabilistic Timing Constraints on System Performance., , и . Des. Autom. Embed. Syst., 5 (1): 61-81 (2000)Meta-Scheduling for the Wireless Downlink Through Learning With Bandit Feedback., , и . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 30 (2): 487-500 (2022)Spatial Model for Energy Burden Balancing and Data Fusion in Sensor Networks Detecting Bursty Events., и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 53 (10): 3615-3628 (2007)