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The photostability of amino acids in space, , , , и . ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 550 (1): L95--L99 (марта 2001)Near-infrared spectra of laboratory H2O-CH4 ice mixtures S.2005.10.021, , и . ICARUS, 181 (1): 302--308 (марта 2006)Racemic amino acids from the ultraviolet photolysis of interstellar ice analogues, , , , и . Nature, 416 (6879): 401--403 (марта 2002)An evolutionary connection between interstellar ices and IDPs? Clues from mass spectroscopy measurements of laboratory simulations, , , , , , , и . SPACE LIFE SCIENCES: STEPS TOWARD ORIGIN(S) OF LIFE, 33 (1): 67--71 (2004)The first cell membranes, , , , и . Astrobiology, 2 (4): 371--381 (2002)Side group addition to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon coronene by ultraviolet photolysis in cosmic ice analogs, , , , , и . ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 576 (2): 1115--1120 (сентября 2002)Near-infrared laboratory spectra of solid H2O/CO2 and CH3OH/CO2 ice mixtures, , и . ICARUS, 179 (2): 527--534 (декабря 2005)Ultraviolet irradiation of naphthalene in H2O ice: Implications for meteorites and biogenesis, , , и . METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, 36 (3): 351--358 (марта 2001)The composition of Centaur 5145 Pholus, , , , , , , , , и 5 other автор(ы). Icarus, 135 (2): 389--407 (октября 1998)The interstellar 4.62 micron band, , , и . Astrophysical Journal, 513 (1): 294--304 (марта 1999)