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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Combining goal-directed, reactive and reflexive navigation in autonomous mobile robots., , , und . ANZIIS, Seite 346-349. IEEE, (1996)Systematic design space exploration for customisable multi-processor architectures., , und . ICSAMOS, Seite 57-64. IEEE, (2008)Model-based fault diagnosis of sequential circuits and its acceleration., , und . EURO-DAC, Seite 224-229. EEE Computer Society, (1991)Concurrently optimizing FPGA architecture parameters and transistor sizing: Implications for FPGA design., , , und . FPT, Seite 54-61. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Floating-point bitwidth analysis via automatic differentiation., , , , und . FPT, Seite 158-165. IEEE, (2002)Within-die delay variability in 90nm FPGAs and beyond., и . FPT, стр. 97-104. IEEE, (2006)Wave-pipelined intra-chip signaling for on-FPGA communications., , , и . Integr., 43 (2): 188-201 (2010)Fault tolerant methods for reliability in FPGAs., , и . FPL, стр. 415-420. IEEE, (2008)Combating process variation on FPGAS with a precise at-speed delay measurement method., , и . FPL, стр. 703-704. IEEE, (2008)Towards Affective Level Video Applications: A Novel FPGA-Based Video Arousal Content Modeling System., и . FPL, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2006)