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Verify and measure the quality of rule based machine leaning., , , and . Knowl. Based Syst., (2020)Four families of minimal binary linear codes with wmin/wmax ≤ 1/2., , and . Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput., 30 (2): 175-184 (2019)Reliability assessment models for competing failure processes with two types of correlative thresholds., , , and . Qual. Reliab. Eng. Int., 40 (5): 2584-2602 (July 2024)A target tracking algorithm for vision based sea cucumber grabbing., , , and . ICIA, page 608-611. IEEE, (2016)Fingerprint Classifier Using Embedded Hidden Markov Models., , and . SINOBIOMETRICS, volume 3338 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 525-531. Springer, (2004)A Video Shot Boundary Detection Approach Based on CNN Feature., , , and . ISM, page 489-494. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Fingerprint Verification Based on Multistage Minutiae Matching., , and . ICPR (2), page 1058-1061. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)A PID controller based on CMAC and Kalman filter., and . ICNC, page 45-47. IEEE, (2010)Fingerprint Matching Using Phase-Only Correlation and Fourier-Mellin Transforms., , and . ISDA (2), page 379-383. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Inspecting Ingredients of Starches in Starch-Noodle based on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition., , and . ICPR (2), page 877-880. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)