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What is a Good Genotype-Phenotype Mapping for the Evolution of Computer Programs?. Technical Report, 364. University of Hertfordshire, Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, (2 February 2002)Digital circuit evolution: the ruggedness and neutrality of two-bitmultiplier landscapes, , и . IEE Half-day Colloquium on Evolutionary Hardware Systems, стр. 6/1--6/4. London, UK, IEE, (1999)Ref. No. 1999/033.Teaching and Learning Formal Methods, Improving Productivity.. IWFM, BCS, (1999)Review: First NASA/DOD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware 1999. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 1 (1/2): 171--174 (апреля 2000)