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Zhang�-Zhang polynomial and some of its applications, , , и . Mathematical Methods in Chemistry, Prijepolje Museum, Prijepolje, (2006)Electron and energy content of hexagons in benzenoid hydrocarbons, , и . Mathematical Methods in Chemistry, Prijepolje Museum, Prijepolje, (2006)The graph of atomic orbitals and its basic properties. 2. Zagreb indices, , , и . MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, (2005)Partitioning of $\pi$-electrons in rings of aza--derivatives of naphthalene, , и . Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, (2007)On atom--bond connectivity index, , и . FILOMAT, (2012)Graph of atomic orbitals and the molecular structure--descriptors based on it, , и . Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, (2005)Some properties of the topological bond order, , , и . Chemical Physics Letters, (2005)Anomalous cyclic conjugation in benzenoid molecules with a small number of Kekulé structures, , , , и . Indian Journal of Chemistry, (2005)The McClelland number of conjugated hydrocarbons, , , и . Croatica Chemica Acta, (2005)Comparative study of cyclic conjugation in tribenzoperylene isomers, , , , и . Mathematical Methods and Modelling for Students of Chemistry and Biology, Hum, Zagreb, (2009)