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System Evolution.. POS, стр. 256-258. Springer and British Computer Society, (1994)Synchronization and Recovery in Cooperative Transactions., , и . POS, стр. 329-342. Morgan Kaufmann, (1990)A Model of Concurrent, Cooperating Transactions in an Object-Oriented Database.. MIT-JSME Workshop, том 492 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 352-368. Springer, (1989)Semantic Synchronization in a Persistent Object System Library., , и . POS, стр. 129-146. Springer and British Computer Society, (1994)ObServer: An Object Server for an Object-Oriented Database System., , и . On Object-Oriented Database System, Springer, (1991)SLEVE: Semantic Locking for EVEnt synchronisation.. ICDE, стр. 495-502. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Concurrency Control for Cooperating transactions in an Object Oriented Database. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, (апреля 1989)Using OS Locking Services to Implement a DBMS: An Experience Report.. USENIX Summer, стр. 73-86. USENIX Association, (1994)An Object Server for an Object-Oriented Database System., , и . OODBS, стр. 196-204. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)A File System Interface for Concurrent Access., и . ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, стр. 128-133. ACM, (1994)