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On reconstructing a string from its substring compositions., , , , and . ISIT, page 1238-1242. IEEE, (2010)Quadratic-backtracking algorithm for string reconstruction from substring compositions., , , , and . ISIT, page 1296-1300. IEEE, (2014)Tight Bounds on Profile Redundancy and Distinguishability., , and . NIPS, page 3266-3274. (2012)String Reconstruction from Substring Compositions., , , , and . CoRR, (2014)Estimating multiple concurrent processes., , , , and . ISIT, page 1628-1632. IEEE, (2012)A Unified Maximum Likelihood Approach for Estimating Symmetric Properties of Discrete Distributions., , , and . ICML, volume 70 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, page 11-21. PMLR, (2017)Competitive Closeness Testing., , , , and . COLT, volume 19 of JMLR Proceedings, page 47-68., (2011)Exact calculation of pattern probabilities., , , , and . ISIT, page 1498-1502. IEEE, (2010)Large scale ad latency analysis., , and . IEEE BigData, page 762-767. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)On the query computation and verification of functions., , , , and . ISIT, page 2711-2715. IEEE, (2012)