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A Bibliometric Analysis of Crowdfunding Related Research: Current trends and Future Prospect., , и . ICCSE, стр. 13:1-13:7. ACM, (2018)Emerging trends in E-participation: a scientometric analysis in CiteSpace., , , , и . ICCSE, стр. 5:1-5:5. ACM, (2018)CMMQC: Cascaded Multi-Model Quality Control for Unsupervised Data-to-Text Generation., , , , и . IJCNN, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2024)An intelligent textual corpus big data computing approach for lexicons construction and sentiment classification of public emergency events., , и . Multim. Tools Appl., 78 (21): 30159-30174 (2019)A hybrid neural network approach for fine-grained emotion classification and computing., , , , и . J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 37 (3): 3081-3091 (2019)Factors Influencing the Perception of Seller Credibility in Online Reputation System: an Eye-Movement Approach., , , , и . WHICEB, стр. 22. Association for Information Systems, (2020)Public Negative Emotions Regulation During the COVID-19 Emergency:GIR's Content Features and Lingual Form Do Matter., , , , и . WHICEB, стр. 31. Association for Information Systems, (2021)Impacts of Analyst Reports' Descriptions of Corporate Innovative Behavior on Stock Price Synchronicity., , , , и . WHICEB (1), том 480 из Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, стр. 182-193. Springer, (2023)Weighting Wiener and total variation for image denoising., , , , , и . ICIA, стр. 1479-1483. IEEE, (2016)Relationship between Risk Perception, Emotion, and Coping Behavior during Public Health Emergencies: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis., , , и . Syst., 11 (4): 181 (апреля 2023)