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Supporting secure collaborations with attribute-based access control., , и . CollaborateCom, стр. 525-530. ICST / IEEE, (2013)Information flow control in cloud computing., , , и . CollaborateCom, стр. 1-7. ICST / IEEE, (2010)Beyond User-to-User Access Control for Online Social Networks., , и . ICICS, том 5308 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 174-189. Springer, (2008)Risk Evaluation for Personal Identity Management Based on Privacy Attribute Ontology., , , и . ER, том 5231 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 183-198. Springer, (2008)Role-based access management for ad-hoc collaborative sharing., и . SACMAT, стр. 200-209. ACM, (2006)Visualization based policy analysis: case study in SELinux., , и . SACMAT, стр. 165-174. ACM, (2008)Anomaly discovery and resolution in web access control policies., , и . SACMAT, стр. 165-174. ACM, (2011)State-aware Network Access Management for Software-Defined Networks., , , , , , и . SACMAT, стр. 1-11. ACM, (2016)Privacy-Enhanced User-Centric Identity Management., , и . ICC, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2009)SecureCloud: Towards a Comprehensive Security Framework for Cloud Computing Environments., , и . COMPSAC Workshops, стр. 393-398. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)