Author of the publication

The Public Procurement of IS - A Process View.

, and . HICSS, page 2158-2167. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)

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Meeting the IT-skill shortage in Europe head-on: approaching in unison from practice and academia., and . SIGCPR, page 29-36. ACM, (2001)eProcurement: Love of Life and Overnight Temptations., , and . EGOV (Workshops and Posters), volume 13 of Schriftenreihe Informatik, page 351-357. Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Linz, Austria, (2005)ERP Systems and Competitive Advantage: Some Initial Results, , , and . 2nd 3gERP workshop, Frederiksberg, Denmark, (2008)Organisations and Vanilla Software: What Do We Know About ERP Systems and Competitive Advantage?, , , and . ECIS, page 2460-2471. (2008)Understanding the Problem - Innovation in the Welfare Sector through Action Design Research., , and . MCIS, page 38. AISeL, (2019)A Study of Factors Influencing Media Choice in Norwegian Organizations., , and . HICSS (1), page 108-117. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Deep Neural Networks for Prediction of Exacerbations of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease., , , and . EANN, volume 893 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 217-228. Springer, (2018)Public e-Procurement - Determinants of Attitudes Towards Adoption.. EGOV, volume 3183 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 278-282. Springer, (2004)On the Evolution of e-Government: The User Imperative., , and . EGOV, volume 2739 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 139-142. Springer, (2003)Recommendations of a Laboratory Infrastructure for Simulation of Telemedicine Services., , and . ISCC, page 1217-1220. IEEE, (2018)