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Designing HCI for education: cultural probes interest to better know the teacher-user., , и . IHM, стр. 186-194. ACM, (2018)PrisMe: a Tangible User Interface for Work Group Regulation. Preliminary User Experience Study., , , , , и . ETIS, том 2801 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2020)Long-term kinesthetic motor imagery practice with a BCI: Impacts on user experience, motor cortex oscillations and BCI performances., и . Comput. Hum. Behav., (сентября 2023)Classifying tangible user interfaces with cladistics: criteria and forms for a collaborative inventory., , , и . IHM, стр. 209-218. ACM, (2018)Could a tangible interface help a child to weigh his/her opinion on usability?, , , , и . IHM, стр. 12-19. ACM, (2018)Embodying emotional presence through a tangible interface in a hybrid collaborative learning situation: state of the art., и . IHM (Adjunct), стр. 2:1-2:9. ACM, (2023)Marker-based augmented reality: instructional-design to improve children interactions with astronomical concepts., , и . IDC, стр. 21-28. ACM, (2015)EEG Modulations Induced by a Visual and Vibrotactile Stimulation., , , и . SMC, стр. 4247-4252. IEEE, (2023)Le TanISe : Une interface utilisateur tangible pour soutenir l'apprentissage de l'autorégulation en contexte scolaire ?: TanISe: A Tangible User Interface to Support Self-Regulation Learning in a School Context?, , и . IHM (Extended Abstracts), стр. 3:1-3:6. ACM, (2021)"I, here's what I want you to make me!" (Lucie, age 9): participative design for the utilisability of tangible markers in school context., и . IHM, стр. 2:1-2:9. ACM, (2015)