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Large-scale analysis of frequency modulation in birdsong databases., and . CoRR, (2013)Group Polytope Faces Pursuit for Recovery of Block-Sparse Signals., and . LVA/ICA, volume 7191 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 255-262. Springer, (2012)Optimization Using Fourier Expansion over a Geodesic for Non-negative ICA.. ICA, volume 3195 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 49-56. Springer, (2004)Lie Group Methods for Optimization with Orthogonality Constraints.. ICA, volume 3195 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1245-1252. Springer, (2004)Learning incoherent subspaces for classification via supervised iterative projections and rotations., and . MLSP, page 1-6. IEEE, (2013)Raw Multi-Channel Audio Source Separation using Multi- Resolution Convolutional Auto-Encoders., , and . EUSIPCO, page 1577-1581. IEEE, (2018)A Hierarchical Latent Mixture Model for Polyphonic Music Analysis., and . EUSIPCO, page 1910-1914. IEEE, (2018)On the disjointess of sources in music using different time-frequency representations., , , and . WASPAA, page 261-264. IEEE, (2011)Orthogonality-Regularized Masked NMF for Learning on Weakly Labeled Audio Data., , and . ICASSP, page 2436-2440. IEEE, (2018)Cross-task learning for audio tagging, sound event detection and spatial localization: DCASE 2019 baseline systems., , , , , and . CoRR, (2019)