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Windows CE for a reconfigurable system-on-a-chip processor., и . FPT, стр. 201-207. IEEE, (2004)Tuning SoC platforms for multimedia processing: identifying limits and tradeoffs., , , и . CODES+ISSS, стр. 128-133. ACM, (2004)TreeFTL: efficient RAM management for high performance of NAND flash-based storage systems., и . DATE, стр. 374-379. EDA Consortium San Jose, CA, USA / ACM DL, (2013)The salvage cache: A fault-tolerant cache architecture for next-generation memory technologies., , , и . ICCD, стр. 268-274. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Generating hardware from OpenMP programs., , и . FPT, стр. 73-80. IEEE, (2006)Defining neighborhood relations for fast spatial-temporal partitioning of applications on reconfigurable architectures., , и . FPT, стр. 121-128. IEEE, (2008)A co-simulation study of adaptive EPIC computing., , , и . FPT, стр. 268-275. IEEE, (2002)Compiling to FPGAs via an EPIC compiler's intermediate representation., , и . FPT, стр. 431-434. IEEE, (2003)A UML-Based Design Framework for Time-Triggered Applications., , и . RTSS, стр. 39-48. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)A Performance and Power Co-optimization Approach for Modern Processors., , и . CIT, стр. 822-828. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)