Author of the publication

An Evaluation of Computing Paradigms for N-Body Simulations on Distributed Memory Architectures.

, and . PPoPP, page 25-36. ACM, (1999)

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Characterizing the Impact of Prefetching on Scientific Application Performance., , and . PMBS@SC, volume 8551 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 115-135. Springer, (2013)A localizing directory coherence protocol., and . WMPI, page 23-29. ACM, (2004)Diagnosis and optimization of application prefetching performance., , and . ICS, page 303-312. ACM, (2013)Fast, Flexible Syntactic Pattern Matching and Processing., , and . WPC, page 144-153. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Early evaluation of IBM BlueGene/P., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). SC, page 23. IEEE/ACM, (2008)An Evaluation of Computing Paradigms for N-Body Simulations on Distributed Memory Architectures., and . PPoPP, page 25-36. ACM, (1999)Efficient Quality Threshold Clustering for Parallel Architectures., , and . IPDPS, page 1068-1079. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)User-controllable coherence for high performance shared memory multiprocessors., and . PPoPP, page 73-82. ACM, (2003)Investigating the TLB Behavior of High-end Scientific Applications on Commodity Microprocessors., , and . ISPASS, page 95-104. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Memphis: Finding and fixing NUMA-related performance problems on multi-core platforms., and . ISPASS, page 87-96. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)