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Statistics of the critical percolation backbone with spatial long-range correlations, , , and . PHYSICAL REVIEW E, (2003)Catalytic effectiveness of irregular interfaces and rough pores: the ``land surveyor approximation'', , and . CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 56 (17): 5011-5023 (2001)Flux front penetration in disordered superconductors, , and . PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 86 (16): 3622-3625 (2001)Traveling time and traveling length in critical percolation clusters, , , , , , , and . PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 60 (3): 3425-3428 (1999)Scaling behavior in a proportional voting process, , , and . PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 60 (1): 1067-1068 (1999)Tsallis nonextensive statistics with normalized q-expectation values: thermodynamical stability and simple illustrations, , , and . PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 275 (3-4): 396-404 (2000)The ferromagnetic Ising model on a Voronoi-Delaunay lattice, , , and . PHYSICA A, 283 (1-2): 100-106 (2000)VIth Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena LAWNP'99/XIIth MEDYFINOL Conference on Statistical Physics of Dynamic and Complex Systems, CORDOBE, ARGENTINA, OCT 12-16, 1999.Modeling urban growth patterns with correlated percolation, , , , and . PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 58 (6, A): 7054-7062 (1998)Self-organized percolation, , and . PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 56 (3, A): R2379-R2382 (1997)1/F NOISE AND CHAOS IN ANALOG NEURAL NETWORKS, and . PHYSICA A, 206 (3-4): 271-282 (1994)