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Robust Video Transmission Over Packet Erasure Wireless Channels Based on Wyner-Ziv Coding of Motion Regions., , , , , и . ICCCN, стр. 732-737. IEEE, (2008)Seamless Video Transmission over Wireless LANs based on an Effective QoS Model and Channel State Estimation., , и . ICCCN, стр. 237-242. IEEE, (2008)Distributed Source Coding Under Noisy Transmission Environments., , и . ICME, стр. 320-323. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Syndrome-Based Light-Weight Video Coding for Mobile Wireless Application., , и . ICME, стр. 2013-2016. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Low Punctured Turbo Codes and Zero Motion Skip Encoding Strategy for Distributed Video Coding., и . GLOBECOM, IEEE, (2006)Correlated data gathering in wireless sensor networks based on distributed source coding., и . Int. J. Sens. Networks, 4 (1/2): 13-22 (2008)Distributed Source Coding in Wireless Sensor Networks., и . QSHINE, стр. 6. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Distributed video coding with zero motion skip and efficient DCT coefficient encoding., и . ICME, стр. 777-780. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Rate allocation for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding without feedback., , , , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 701-704. ACM, (2008)Distributed video coding based on constrained rate adaptive low density parity check codes., , и . VCIP, том 6508 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 65080R. SPIE, (2007)