Author of the publication

Replication-Based Incremental Copying Collection.

, , and . IWMM, volume 637 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 357-364. Springer, (1992)

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Concurrent Replicating Garbage Collection., and . LISP and Functional Programming, page 34-42. ACM, (1994)Shared data management needs adaptive methods., and . HotOS, page 129-135. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Semantic File Systems., , , and . SOSP, page 16-25. ACM, (1991)Operating System Review 25(5).Exokernel: An Operating System Architecture for Application-Level Resource Management., , and . SOSP, page 251-266. ACM, (1995)Operating System Review 29(5).Content Routing for Distributed Information Servers., , , , and . EDBT, volume 779 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 109-122. Springer, (1994)Hybrid Caching for Large-Scale Object Systems., and . POS, page 99-114. Springer and British Computer Society, (1994)A Rollback Technique for Implementation Orthogonal Persistence., and . POS, page 120-127. Morgan Kaufmann, (1996)Effective information sharing using update logs.. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, (1996) ( Log: Efficient Installation Reads in a Reliable Storage Server., and . OSDI, page 39-48. USENIX Association, (1994)Replication-Based Incremental Copying Collection., , and . IWMM, volume 637 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 357-364. Springer, (1992)