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Prototyping algorithm for retrieving FAPAR using MSG data in the context of the LSA SAF project., , , и . IGARSS, стр. 1016-1020. IEEE, (2007)Land Surface Albedo and Down-Welling Short-Wave Radiation Retrievals using High Frequency Observations from MSG Geostationary Satellite., , , , , и . IGARSS (5), стр. 487-490. IEEE, (2008)Validation of POLDER surface albedo products based on a review of other satellites and climate databases., и . IGARSS, стр. 2844-2847. IEEE, (2007)Lidar full waveform inversion to estimate maize and wheat crops biophysical properties., , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 1316-1319. IEEE, (2017)Boreal forest albedo and LAI in SNORTEX 2008-2010., , , , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 3335-3338. IEEE, (2012)The 'urban' component of the French Land Data and Services Centre (THEIA)., , , , , и . JURSE, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2019)A Kernel-Driven BRDF Approach to Correct Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery over Forested Areas with Rugged Topography., , , , , и . Remote. Sens., 12 (3): 432 (2020)ECOCLIMAP-II Programme: A New Land Cover Classification at 1 km from MODIS and Vegetation Data Time Series over the Western Africa in the Frame of AMMA Project., , и . IGARSS (4), стр. 1023-1026. IEEE, (2009)CYTTARES: a global database for the training and inter-comparison of biophysical products derived from medium resolution sensors., , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). IGARSS, стр. 3237-3239. IEEE, (2003)Development of an operational procedure to estimate surface albedo from the SEVIRI/MSG observing system in using POLDER BRDF measurements., , и . IGARSS, стр. 3905-3907. IEEE, (2003)