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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

An adaptive extension to high gain observer with application to wastewater monitoring., , , und . CCE, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2015)Finite difference solution of discrete-time regulator equation and its application to digital output regulation problem., und . ACC, Seite 5333-5338. IEEE, (2009)Kalman filter under nonlinear system transformations., und . ACC, Seite 4789-4794. IEEE, (2012)Synchronization of a class of chaotic systems via a nonlinear observer approach., und . CDC, Seite 3895-3900. IEEE, (2002)Observer-based chaos synchronization in the generalized chaotic Lorenz systems and its application to secure encryption., , und . CDC, Seite 3783-3788. IEEE, (2006)Structured Lyapunov functions for synchronization of identical affine-in-control agents - Unified approach., , und . J. Frankl. Inst., 353 (14): 3457-3486 (2016)On the sensor fusion in the walking robots design., und . ASCC, Seite 2534-2539. IEEE, (2017)On estimation of the parameters in the complex network via the adaptive observer., , und . MED, Seite 605-610. IEEE, (2020)Feedback equivalence of the chained mechanical system to the almost linear form and its use for the sustainable multi-step walking design., und . J. Frankl. Inst., 361 (15): 107086 (2024)On finite-time and fixed-time consensus algorithms for dynamic networks switching among disconnected digraphs., , , , und . CoRR, (2018)