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Spectrum sharing scenarios and resulting technical requirements for 5G systems., , , and . PIMRC Workshops, page 127-132. IEEE, (2013)METIS research and standardization: A path towards a 5G system., , , , , , , and . GLOBECOM Workshops, page 577-582. IEEE, (2014)A short feasibility study of a cognitive TV black space system., , and . PIMRC, page 520-524. IEEE, (2011)Automatic Robust Adaptive Beamforming via Ridge Regression., , and . ICASSP (2), page 965-968. IEEE, (2007)Cross-validation rules for order estimation., and . Digit. Signal Process., 14 (4): 355-371 (2004)Parameter estimation and order selection for linear regression problems., and . EUSIPCO, page 1-5. IEEE, (2006)Using prior knowledge in SVD-based NMR spectroscopy - the ATP example., , , and . ISSPA (2), page 33-36. IEEE, (2003)0-7803-7946-2.Empirical Bayes Linear Regression with Unknown Model Order., and . ICASSP (3), page 773-776. IEEE, (2007)Adaptive equalization for frequency-selective channels of unknown length., , and . GLOBECOM, page 1076-1080. IEEE, (2004)Optimizing power limits for white space devices under a probability constraint on aggregated interference., and . DySPAN, page 201-211. IEEE, (2012)