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Realizing an Effective COVID-19 Diagnosis System Based on Machine Learning and IoT in Smart Hospital Environment., , , , , , и . IEEE Internet Things J., 8 (21): 15919-15928 (2021)Eurasian oystercatcher optimiser: New meta-heuristic algorithm., , , и . J. Intell. Syst., 31 (1): 332-344 (2022)The Models of Improving the Quality of Government Financial Reporting., , и . EIDWT, том 161 из Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, стр. 44-51. Springer, (2023)Design and Implementation of a Secure Mobile Banking System Based on Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Schema., , и . ACRIT, том 1174 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 424-438. Springer, (2019)Exchange of Correlated Binary Sources in Two-Way Relay Networks Using LDPC Codes., и . IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., 6 (5): 594-597 (2017)Optimized Power Allocation for Layered-Steered Space-Time Codes., , , и . Wirel. Pers. Commun., 68 (1): 95-113 (2013)A Numerical Comparison between LSSTC and VBLAST in Wireless Systems., , и . WINSYS, стр. 161-164. SciTePress, (2010)Performance and tradeoff analysis of Layered Steered Space-Time Codes (LSSTC)., , и . PIMRC, стр. 391-396. IEEE, (2010)A Layered-Steered Space-Time Coded system with optimal power allocation., , и . PIMRC, стр. 397-402. IEEE, (2010)Transmission Strategies for Two-Way Relay Channels.. Arizona State University, Tempe, USA, (2015) (ftarizonastateun:item:36464).