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Minimizing the Social Cost of an Epidemic., , , и . GAMENETS, том 75 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 594-607. Springer, (2011)A symmetric adaptive algorithm for speeding-up consensus., , и . ICASSP, стр. 2686-2689. IEEE, (2010)Generalizing Kronecker graphs in order to model searchable networks., , и . Allerton, стр. 194-201. IEEE, (2009)Peer Effects and Stability in Matching Markets., , , , и . SAGT, том 6982 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 117-129. Springer, (2011)Distance-Dependent Kronecker Graphs for Modeling Social Networks., , и . J. Sel. Topics Signal Processing, 4 (4): 718-731 (2010)