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An algorithm for virtual topology design in WDM optical networks under physical constraints., и . ICC, стр. 1719-1723. IEEE, (1999)A General Inside-Out Routing Algorithm for a Class of Rearrangeable Networks., и . ICPP (1), стр. 17-20. CRC Press, (1994)Transparent optical networks for high-performance distributed computing ., и . FTDCS, стр. 178-185. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)The Augmented Composite Banyan Network., , и . HiPC, стр. 285-292. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)L+1-MWM: A Fast Pattern Matching Algorithm for High-Speed Packet Filtering., , и . INFOCOM, стр. 2288-2296. IEEE, (2008)STEAL: Service Time-Aware Load balancer on many-core processors for fast intrusion detection., , , и . INFOCOM Workshops, стр. 65-70. IEEE, (2016)Accurate ego-lane recognition utilizing multiple road characteristics in a Bayesian network framework., , и . Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, стр. 543-548. IEEE, (2015)Multiple vehicle driving control for traffic flow efficiency., , , , , , , , и . Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, стр. 462-468. IEEE, (2012)Cooperative localization based on topology matching., , и . WiVeC, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2014)An adaptive distributed wavelength routing algorithm in WDM networks., , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 1259-1263. IEEE, (2000)