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Nano-wireless Communication for Microrobotics: bridging the gap., и . NANOCOM, стр. 31:1-31:6. ACM, (2015)Traffic monitoring and incident detection using cellular and early stage VANET technology deployment., , , , и . IoV-VoI@MobiHoc, стр. 1-6. ACM, (2016)Timer-Based Distributed Dissemination Protocols for VANETs and Their Interaction with MAC Layer., , , , и . VTC Spring, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2013)Self-Healing Infotainment and Safety Application for VANET dissemination., , , , и . ICC Workshops, стр. 2495-2500. IEEE, (2015)Understanding Spurious Message Forwarding in VANET Beaconless Dissemination Protocols: An Analytical Approach., , , и . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 65 (4): 2243-2258 (2016)Traffic monitoring and incident detection through VANETs., , , , и . WONS, стр. 122-129. IEEE, (2014)Connectivity-Driven Routing for Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks., и . SECON, стр. 466-474. IEEE, (2010)A Reinforcement Learning Environment for Multi-Service UAV-enabled Wireless Systems., , , и . PerCom Workshops, стр. 251-256. IEEE, (2021)Ultra Wide Band WLANs: A Self-Configuring Resource Control Scheme for Accessing UWB Hot-Spots with QoS Guarantees., и . Mob. Networks Appl., 10 (5): 727-739 (2005)Routing in cognitive radio networks: Challenges and solutions., , и . Ad Hoc Networks, 9 (3): 228-248 (2011)