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Identifying robust markers of Parkinson's disease in typing behaviour using a CNN-LSTM network., , , , и . CoNLL, стр. 578-595. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2020)Learning about the meaning of verb-particle constructions from corpora.. Comput. Speech Lang., 19 (4): 467-478 (2005)Can Automated Gesture Recognition Support the Study of Child Language Development?, , , и . CogSci,, (2020)Multiword Units Predict Non-inversion Errors in Children's Wh-questions: "What Corpus Data Can Tell Us?"., , , , , и . CogSci, стр. 789-795., (2019)Semantic Ambiguity Resolution as a Decision Process., и . CogSci,, (2013)Visual Heuristics for Verb Production: Testing a Deep-Learning Model With Experiments in Japanese., , , и . Cogn. Sci., (августа 2023)Children's Production of Unfamiliar Word Sequences Is Predicted by Positional Variability and Latent Classes in a Large Sample of Child-Directed Speech., и . Cogn. Sci., 34 (3): 465-488 (2010)Scaling Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation to Larger Corpora and Longer Phrases., , и . ACL, стр. 255-262. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2005)A compact data structure for searchable translation memories., , и . EAMT, European Association for Machine Translation, (2005)Improving statistical translation through editing., , и . EAMT, European Association for Machine Translation, (2004)