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Molekulare Bioinformatik., and . it - Information Technology, 46 (1): 3-4 (2004)Workshop "Molekulare Bioinformatik"., and . GI Jahrestagung, page 471-472. Springer, (2000)Rapid Software Prototyping in Computational Molecular Biology., and . German Conference on Bioinformatics, page 81-92. (1999)BALL: Biochemical Algorithms Library., , and . WAE, volume 1668 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 331-345. Springer, (1999)SePaCS - a web-based application for classification of seroreactivity profiles., , , , and . Nucleic Acids Res., 35 (Web-Server-Issue): 683-687 (2007)Enumerating the k Closest Pairs Optimally, and . FOCS, page 380-386. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)Trust me if you can: a survey on reliability and interpretability of machine learning approaches for drug sensitivity prediction in cancer., , , and . Briefings Bioinform., (2024)New contact measures for the protein docking problem.. RECOMB, page 182-191. ACM, (1997)Maintaining the Visibility Map of Spheres while Moving the Viewpoint on a Circle at Infinity., and . SWAT, volume 621 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 388-398. Springer, (1992)miRPathDB 2.0: a novel release of the miRNA Pathway Dictionary Database., , , , , , , and . Nucleic Acids Res., 48 (Database-Issue): D142-D147 (2020)