Author of the publication

Long-Distant Pipeline Emergency Command Decision-Making System Based on Agent.

, , and . ISICA (1), volume 6382 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 280-288. Springer, (2010)

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Long-Distant Pipeline Emergency Command Decision-Making System Based on Agent., , and . ISICA (1), volume 6382 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 280-288. Springer, (2010)Test Case Prioritization for Service-Oriented Workflow Applications: A Perspective of Modification Impact Analysis., , , , , and . IEEE Access, (2020)TDOA Positioning Method Based on Mixed Strategy Sparrow Search Algorithm., , and . CAA SAFEPROCESS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Finite-Time Prescribed Performance-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control for Switched Nonlinear Systems with Output Dead Zone., , , and . Int. J. Fuzzy Syst., 26 (7): 2419-2432 (October 2024)Green investment and e-commerce sales mode selection strategies with cap-and-trade regulation.. Comput. Ind. Eng., (March 2023)A BCI Speller with 120 Commands Encoded by Hybrid P300 and SSVEP Features., , , , , , and . HBAI@IJCAI, volume 1692 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 220-228. Springer, (2022)A Study on Improving the Doctoral Education Quality Assurance System Implementation with Visualization Design., , and . HCI (37), volume 1580 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 220-227. Springer, (2022)Forward Analysis of GPR for Underground Pipes Using CUDA-Implemented Conformal Symplectic Euler Algorithm., , , , and . IEEE Access, (2020)Demand forecasting and information sharing of a green supply chain considering data company., and . J. Comb. Optim., 45 (5): 119 (2023)A Deep Vision Sensing-Based Smart Control Method for Apple-Picking Robots Under the Context of Agricultural E-Commerce., and . J. Circuits Syst. Comput., 33 (11): 2450189:1-2450189:19 (July 2024)