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Adaptive Differential Evolution with Landscape Modality Detection for Global Optimization., , , и . CSE/EUC (1), стр. 204-209. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Flexible Control Strategy for MMC to Comply with Voltage Support Requirement Under Unbalanced Grid Faults., , , , , и . IECON, стр. 4377-4382. IEEE, (2018)Differential Evolution with Proximity-Based Replacement Strategy and Elite Archive Mechanism for Global Optimization., , , и . ICA3PP (2), том 11335 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 76-89. Springer, (2018)Making Static Figures Posable: An Interactive Figure Transformation System For Naive Users., и . SUI, стр. 132. ACM, (2015)Why firms use convertibles: A further test of the sequential-financing hypothesis, , и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 28 (5): 1163--1183 (мая 2004)Mackay campus of environmental education and digital cultural construction: the application of 3D virtual reality., , , , , , и . ICDIP, том 8334 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 833407. SPIE, (2012)Preventing Domestic Violence Via Education in Cloud Computing Service., , и . LTEC, стр. 205-209. Springer, (2013)Chinese Preposition Selection for Grammatical Error Diagnosis., , и . COLING, стр. 888-899. ACL, (2016)Organisational form and the economic impacts of innovation: the case of patent grant announcements., , , и . Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag., 30 (9): 1070-1083 (2018)Digits detection in watt hour meter., , и . ICACI, стр. 145-150. IEEE, (2018)