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Determining the effectiveness of three software evaluation techniques through informal aggregation., , и . Inf. Softw. Technol., 55 (9): 1590-1601 (2013)Content and structure of laboratory packages for software engineering experiments., , и . Inf. Softw. Technol., (2018)Comparing 2D and Augmented Reality Visualizations for Microservice System Understandability: A Controlled Experiment., , , и . ICPC, стр. 135-145. IEEE, (2023)Un Experimento sobre el Comportamiento de Tres Técnicas de Evaluación de Código.. JISBD, стр. 389-400. (2003)Difficulties in Running Experiments in the Software Industry: Experiences from the Trenches., , и . CESI@ICSE, стр. 3-9. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Cohort Studies in Software Engineering: A Vision of the Future., , , , и . ESEM, стр. 33:1-33:6. ACM, (2020)Comparing the Effectiveness of Equivalence Partitioning, Branch Testing and Code Reading by Stepwise Abstraction Applied by Subjects., , , , и . ICST, стр. 330-339. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Identifying the Relevant Information for Software Testing Technique Selection.. ISESE, стр. 39-48. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)The role of slicing in test-driven development., , , , , , и . CoRR, (2024)Experiencias en integración de métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos., , и . JISBD, стр. 495-501. (2006)