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Comment. Econometric Reviews, 3 (1): 101--104 (1984)The cyclical behavior of prices, and . Journal of Monetary Economics, 28 (1): 25--60 (August 1991)Economic Growth and Business Cycles, and . Frontiers of Business Cycle Research, chapter 1, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, (1995)Business cycle analysis without much theory A look at structural VARs, and . Journal of Econometrics, 83 (1-2): 57--88 (00 1998)Individual forecasting and a ggregate outcomes: A review essay. Journal of Monetary Economics, 15 (2): 255--266 (March 1985)A neoclassical model of the Phillips curve relation, and . Journal of Monetary Economics, 44 (2): 165--193 (October 1999)The role of monetary shocks in equilibrium business cycle theory: Three examples, and . European Economic Review, 42 (3-5): 605--617 (May 31, 1998)Predictive efficiency for simple non-linear models, , and . Journal of Econometrics, 40 (1): 33--44 (January 1989)Employment and hours over the business cycle, and . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 18 (2): 411--432 (March 1994)Stock grants as a commitment device, , and . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 30 (11): 2191--2216 (November 2006)