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A team collaboration space supporting capture and access of virtual meetings., , , , , и . GROUP, стр. 188-196. ACM, (2001)Future@Work: An Experimental Exhibit Investigating Integrated Workplace Design., , и . CoBuild, том 1370 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 177-190. Springer, (1998)CSCW, groupware and workflow: experiences, state of art, and future trends., и . CHI Conference Companion, стр. 338-339. ACM, (1996)CSCW, groupware and workflow: experiences, state of art, and future trends., и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 120-121. ACM, (1999)Media spaces: past visions, current realities, future promise., , , , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 2245-2248. ACM, (2008)Industrial Strength Hypermedia: Requirements for a Large Engineering Enterprise., , и . Hypertext, стр. 13-24. ACM, (1991)Diffusion of a collaborative technology cross distance., и . GROUP, стр. 232-241. ACM, (2001)Groupware and workflow: a survey of systems and behavioral issues., и . CHI 95 Conference Companion, стр. 355-356. ACM, (1995)Computer supported cooperative work and groupware., и . CHI Conference Companion, стр. 355-356. ACM, (1994)Collaboration Technology in Teams, Organizations, and Communities., и . INTERACT, стр. 819-820. IOS Press, (2001)