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Achieving Max-Min Throughput in LoRa Networks., , и . CoRR, (2019)A New Blind Watermarking Technique Based on Independent Component Analysis., и . IWDW, том 2613 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 51-63. Springer, (2002)Robust image watermarking based on Independent Component Analysis., и . ICASSP, стр. 4177. IEEE, (2002)A computationally optimal randomized proper orthogonal decomposition technique., и . ACC, стр. 3310-3315. IEEE, (2016)A tracking and predicting scheme for ping pong robot., , , и . Journal of Zhejiang University - Science C, 12 (2): 110-115 (2011)Tag Count Frame Slotted Aloha: A Novel Anti-Collision Protocol in RFID Systems., , , , и . VTC Spring, стр. 2666-2670. IEEE, (2008)Coordinated Cloud-Edge Anomaly Identification for Active Distribution Networks., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput., 11 (2): 1204-1216 (апреля 2023)Optimal Acceptance Sampling Testing Plan With Pivotal Quantity for Log-Location-Scale Distributions., , , и . IEEE Trans. Reliab., 72 (4): 1453-1465 (декабря 2023)Lower confidence limit for reliability based on grouped data using a quantile-filling algorithm., , , и . Comput. Stat. Data Anal., (2014)Interpolation algorithm and simulation on automatic saddle-shaped welding machine of heavy pressure vessels., , , и . EMEIT, стр. 1627-1630. IEEE, (2011)