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Mail Monitoring MIB, and . RFC 2789 (Proposed Standard), (March 2000)MIME Object Security Services, , , and . RFC 1848 (Historic), (October 1995)Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types, and . RFC 2046 (Draft Standard), (November 1996)Updated by RFCs 2646, 3798, 5147.MIME Parameter Value and Encoded Word Extensions: Character Sets, Languages, and Continuations, and . RFC 2231 (Proposed Standard), (November 1997)The Batch SMTP Media Type, , , and . RFC 2442 (Informational), (November 1998)Sieve Email Filtering: Vacation Extension, and . RFC 5230 (Proposed Standard), (January 2008)MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies, , and . (1992)SMTP Service Extensions, , , , and . RFC 1651 (Draft Standard), (July 1994)Obsoleted by RFC 1869.SMTP Service Extensions, , , , and . RFC 1869 (Standard), (November 1995)Obsoleted by RFC 2821.SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration, , and . RFC 1870 (Standard), (November 1995)