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Participatory programming and the scope of mutual responsibility: balancing scientific, design and software commitment., и . PDC, стр. 31-41. ACM, (2004)SemanticCollage: Enriching Digital Mood Board Design with Semantic Labels., , , и . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, стр. 407-418. ACM, (2020)Narrative Substrates: Reifying and Managing Emergent Narratives in Persistent Game Worlds., , и . FDG, стр. 46:1-46:12. ACM, (2020)Augmented paper and Anoto stylus., и . IHM, том 51 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 232-235. ACM, (2003)Reification, Polymorphism and Reuse: Three Principles for Designing Visual Interfaces., и . Advanced Visual Interfaces, стр. 102-109. ACM Press, (2000)Knotty gestures: subtle traces to support interactive use of paper., и . AVI, стр. 147-154. ACM Press, (2010)OctoPocus: a dynamic guide for learning gesture-based command sets., и . UIST, стр. 37-46. ACM, (2008)HCI, Natural Science and Design: A Framework for Triangulation Across Disciplines., и . Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems, стр. 223-234. ACM, (1997)Paperoles et musique., , и . IHM, стр. 167-174. ACM, (2007)Enact: Reducing Designer-Developer Breakdowns When Prototyping Custom Interactions., , , и . ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact., 26 (3): 19:1-19:48 (2019)