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The review of educational robotics research and the need for real-world interaction analysis., , и . ICARCV, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2016)The Investigation and Novel Trinity Modeling for Museum Robots., и . TEEM, стр. 21-28. ACM, (2020)Implementing Institutional Online Assessment - Addressing the Challenges., , и . ICHL, том 6248 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 453-464. Springer, (2010)Critical Review of the Blended Learning Models Based on Maslow's and Vygotsky's Educational Theory., , и . ICHL, том 5169 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 40-53. Springer, (2008)Get out of MySpace!, , , и . Computers & Education, 54 (3): 776 - 782 (2010)Learning in Digital Worlds: Selected Contributions from the CAL 09 Conference.The "E"-Vangelist's Plan of Action - Exemplars of the UK Universities' Strategies for Blended Learning., и . ICHL, том 5685 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 378-389. Springer, (2009)The Blended Learning Journey of the University of Glamorgan., , и . ICHL, том 6837 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 157-166. Springer, (2011)How seamless are technology-rich learning environments? the voice of IT educators., , , и . ITiCSE, стр. 218-223. ACM, (2018)Mutually-Beneficial iE-E Seeker, a Web Intelligent Matching Using Multi-Dimensional Case-Based Reasoning.. ICITA (1), стр. 425-428. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Get out of MySpace!, , , и . Computers & Education, 54 (3): 776 - 782 (2009)Learning in Digital Worlds: Selected Contributions from the CAL 09 Conference.