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Modeling Social Interaction Based on Joint Motion Significance., , , , и . IROS, стр. 3373-3380. IEEE, (2018)Skill learning and inference framework for skilligent robot., и . IROS, стр. 108-115. IEEE, (2013)Motion-Based Learning., и . Context Aware Human-Robot and Human-Agent Interaction, Springer, (2016)Behavior programming by kinesthetic demonstration for a chef robot., , и . URAI, стр. 875. IEEE, (2011)Representation and reproduction of skills to adapt affine variations in programming by demonstration., , и . URAI, стр. 650. IEEE, (2016)Skill learning using temporal and spatial entropies for accurate skill acquisition., , , и . ICRA, стр. 1323-1330. IEEE, (2013)Acceleration of Actor-Critic Deep Reinforcement Learning for Visual Grasping by State Representation Learning Based on a Preprocessed Input Image., , , , и . IROS, стр. 198-205. IEEE, (2021)Enhancement of Layered Hidden Markov Model by brain-inspired feedback mechanism., , и . IROS, стр. 3149-3155. IEEE, (2014)Learning of social skills for Human-Robot Interaction by hierarchical HMM and interaction dynamics., , и . ICEIC, стр. 1-2. IEEE, (2014)Sim-to-Real Visual Grasping via State Representation Learning Based on Combining Pixel-Level and Feature-Level Domain Adaptation., , и . ICRA, стр. 6300-6307. IEEE, (2021)