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A low-power IoT framework: From sensors to the cloud., , , , , и . EIT, стр. 648-652. IEEE, (2016)Parallelization in software systems used in wireless sensor networks and Internet of Things: Case study: Middleware systems., , , и . WF-IoT, стр. 342-347. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Vulnerable C/C++ code usage in IoT software systems., , , , и . WF-IoT, стр. 348-352. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)An Application-Driven Modular IoT Architecture., , и . Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., (2017)On the evolution of mobile computing software systems and C/C++ vulnerable code: Empirical investigation., , , , , и . UEMCON, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2016)Reliability evaluation of iBeacon for micro-localization., , , , и . UEMCON, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2016)Rapid deployment of IoT enabled system for automobile fuel range and gas price location., , , , и . EIT, стр. 452-455. IEEE, (2017)A comparative analysis of simulation and experimental results on RPL performance., , и . UEMCON, стр. 483-487. IEEE, (2017)A sensor fusion methodology for obstacle avoidance robot., , , , и . EIT, стр. 458-463. IEEE, (2016)