Autor der Publikation

Connectionism, Knowledge Representation, and Effective Reasoning.

. Wissensbasierte Systeme, Volume 227 von Informatik-Fachberichte, Seite 186-195. Springer, (1989)

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Automatic phonetic transcription of spontaneous speech (american English)., , und . INTERSPEECH, Seite 330-333. ISCA, (2000)Suggestion Mining from Customer Reviews., , , , und . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2011)A Connectionist Approach to Knowledge Representation and Limited Inference.. Cogn. Sci., 12 (3): 331-392 (1988)A Connectionist Encoding of Semantic Networks. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Seite 143--154. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, (1987)Semantic Networks: An Evidential Formalization and Its Connectionist Realization. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, (1988)A Biological Grounding of Recruitment and Vicinal Algorithms. TR 99-009. International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, CA, (1991)Efficient Inference with Multi-Place Predicates and Variables in a Connectionist System, und . Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Seite 396--403. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, (1989)Connectionist mechanisms for cognitive control., und . Neurocomputing, (2005)Soft Computing in SHRUTI - A Neurally Plausible Model of Reflexive Reasoning and Relational Information Processing., und . IIA/SOCO, ICSC Academic Press, Rochester, NY, USA, (1999)Learned phonetic discrimination using connectionist networks., , und . ECST, Seite 1377-1380. ISCA, (1987)