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Standards for Qualitative (and Quantitative) Research: A Prolegomenon, и . Educational Researcher, 19 (4): 2-9 (1990)The detection of buried landmines using probing robots., и . Robotics Auton. Syst., 23 (4): 235-243 (1998)Organization of final year projects.. ACM SIGCSE Bull., 28 (3): 2-4 (1996)Track validation using gradient-based normalised cross-correlation., и . BMVC, стр. 1-11. BMVA Press, (2011)Personal Adaptive Mobility Aid for the Infirm and Elderly Blind., , и . Assistive Technology and Artificial Intelligence, том 1458 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 211-220. Springer, (1998)The application of robotics to a mobility aid for the elderly blind., и . Robotics Auton. Syst., 23 (4): 245-252 (1998)Route Planning for the Best Value Fuel., и . VISAPP (2), стр. 173-178. INSTICC Press, (2010)Dictionary of Computer Vision and Image Processing, Second Edition., , , , , , и . Wiley, (2013)Dictionary of Computer Vision and Image Processing., , , , , и . J. Electronic Imaging, 15 (1): 019902 (2006)A Smartphone Tool for Evaluating Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Delivery., и . VISIGRAPP (4: VISAPP), стр. 489-496. SciTePress, (2019)