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Formal Verification With Frama-C: A Case Study in the Space Software Domain., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Reliability, 65 (3): 1163-1179 (2016)Towards a mostly-automated prover for bit-vector arithmetic., и . C3S2E, стр. 132-133. ACM, (2013)Formalizing Single-Assignment Program Verification: An Adaptation-Complete Approach., , и . ESOP, том 9632 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 41-67. Springer, (2016)A Framework for Point-Free Program Transformation., , и . IFL, том 4015 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-18. Springer, (2005)Real-time MTL with durations as SMT with applications to schedulability analysis., , , и . TASE, стр. 49-56. IEEE, (2020)A Tool for Programming with Interaction Nets., , и . RULE@RDP, том 219 из Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, стр. 83-96. Elsevier, (2007)Token-passing Nets for Functional Languages., , и . WRS@RDP, том 204 из Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, стр. 181-198. Elsevier, (2007)Using Term Rewriting to Solve Bit-Vector Arithmetic Problems - (Poster Presentation)., , , и . SAT, том 7317 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 493-495. Springer, (2012)Monitoring for a Decidable Fragment of MTL-∫., , , и . RV, том 9333 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 169-184. Springer, (2015)A Compositional Monitoring Framework for Hard Real-Time Systems., , , и . NASA Formal Methods, том 8430 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 16-30. Springer, (2014)