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Free Riding on Gnutella Revisited: The Bell Tolls?, , and . IEEE Distributed Systems Online, 6 (6): 1 (2005)Lightweight module isolation for sensor nodes., and . MobiVirt, page 24-29. ACM, (2008)Intelligent Dependability Services for Overlay Networks., , and . DAIS, volume 4025 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 199-212. Springer, (2006)Experiences in implementing a distributed object platform for multimedia applications., and . Softw. Pract. Exp., 30 (6): 663-683 (2000)Managing software evolution in large-scale wireless sensor and actuator networks., , and . ACM Trans. Sens. Networks, 9 (4): 54:1-54:28 (2013)Integrating Computing and Telecommunications: A Tale of Two Architectures., , , and . NOSSDAV, volume 614 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 57-68. Springer, (1991)Towards new transport services to support distributed multimedia applications., , , , and . Comput. Commun. Rev., 22 (3): 69-70 (1992)Peer-to-Peer: Is Deviant Behavior the Norm on P2P File-Sharing Networks?, , , and . IEEE Distributed Syst. Online, (2006)A Framework for Developing Reflective and Dynamic P2P Networks (RaDP2P)., , and . Peer-to-Peer Computing, page 282-283. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Orchestration Services for Distributed Multimedia Synchronisation., , , and . HPN, volume C-14 of IFIP Transactions, page 153-168. North-Holland, (1992)