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TrafficModeler: A Graphical Tool for Programming Microscopic Traffic Simulators through High-Level Abstractions., and . VTC Spring, IEEE, (2009)MashQL: a query-by-diagram topping SPARQL., and . ONISW, page 89-96. ACM, (2008)Design and Implementation of a Distributed Crawler and Filtering Processor, and . Proceedings of the fifth Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems (NGITS), volume 2382 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 58--74. Caesarea, Israel, Springer, (June 2002)BenchPilot: Repeatable & Reproducible Benchmarking for Edge Micro-DCs., , , , , and . ISCC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2022)FIGI: The Architecture of an Internet-Based Financial Information Gathering Infrastructure., and . WECWIS, page 91-94. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)A comparison of techniques used for mapping parallel algorithms to message-passing multiprocessors., , and . SPDP, page 434-442. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Topic 1: Support Tools and Environments., , , and . Euro-Par, volume 5168 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-2. Springer, (2008)g-Eclipse - an integrated framework to access and maintain Grid resources., , , , and . GRID, page 57-64. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Ranking and Performance Exploration of Grid Infrastructures: An Interactive Approach., and . GRID, page 313-314. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)A Data-Centric Security Analysis Of ICGrid., , , , , , and . CoreGRID Integration Workshop, page 197-208. Springer, (2008)